
Der neue Mitgliedsausweis ist da

Er war länger in der Entwicklung und das Endergebnis kann sich sehen lassen – mit neuem Blau passend zum Logo, maschinell aufgedruckte Namen und Mitgliedsnummern.

Dear members, we are delighted to inform you that diversity München now has new membership cards! They have been in development for some time and the final result is impressive - with a new blue color to match the logo, machine-printed names and membership numbers.

The old membership card is only valid until 31.03.2024. We would like to ask you to recycle your old membership card yourself.

If you would like to continue to benefit from the offers for diversity members, please request a new membership card as soon as possible via
You can then pick up your new membership card as usual at the diversity Café or at a group event.

Thank you for your membership and your continued support. We look forward to seeing you at events soon with a new membership card in hand!