Queer Youth Organisation – diversity München

diversity München: Pride is a Riot! - Shaping Activism Together. (open to all, also over 27 years)

Here you can find all upcoming events of our youth groups and of the diverstiy bar or cafe

Pride is a Riot! - Shaping Activism Together. (open to all, also over 27 years)

  • diversity Jugendzentrum, Blumenstraße 11 80331 München
  • Thursday, 15. June 2023 18:30

The forms of activism are diverse, the common goal: to make a difference. We strengthen each other in our activism. No matter if activism is new to you or an integral part of your life: We open the space and reflect together on (our own) activism: What does activism mean to you and where do you want to go with it? How can activism be sustainable and what are the obstacles inside and outside the community? And: which activism is still missing in Munich? Open to all, also over 27 years.

From 6:30 pm to 9 pm we offer two spaces, an activism 101 for all those who are still looking for their place in activism, and a round of talks for queer activists in Munich on how we can support each other in our activism and where there are still gaps in Munich. After 9pm there will be space to socialize and make plans together over a snack.