Queer Youth Organisation – diversity München

diversity München: BIPoC Abend: Karaoke

Here you can find all upcoming events of our youth groups and of the diverstiy bar or cafe

BIPoC Abend: Karaoke

  • diversity Café, Blumenstraße 29 80331 München
  • Tuesday, 01. August 2023 19:00

*BIPoC only*
The meetings are for queer BIPoC between 14 and 27 years old. Welcome are all LGBTIAQ* people and people who are still questioning their identity, who do not identify as white because of their cultural background or skin color.

We look forward to welcoming you on August 1st from 7 p.m., but this time in the Diversity Bar (Blumenstraße 29)! Since the wish was expressed several times last time, we want to sing karaoke with you, drink delicious drinks and, as always, chat a lot with each other. The QBM team will be there, which makes this meeting our first cooperation. That's why our age limit for this meeting has also changed, all queer BiPoc people from 14-35 are invited, so feel free to bring your friends with you. We are looking forward to your numerous appearances!

Please read our current hygiene concept (german only). Our youth centre is unfortunately not accessible. Should you rely on an accessible entry, please write to info[at]diversity-muenchen.de. We might be able to find a short-term solution.