
Das Aufklärungsprojekt von diversity München

diversity@school – das sind queere Referent*innen, die ehrenamtlich Workshops für Jugendliche, junge Erwachsene und Multiplikator*innen durchführen sowie Infostände betreuen – zu den Themen sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität.

Our Offer

Which target group do we address?

First and foremost, the workshops are aimed at teenagers and young adults. This includes middle and high school students of all school types or visitors of youth institutions, students at universities, refugees (also in English) and people with disabilities. We adapt our respective content and methods to the target group. In principle, our offer is aimed at young people from the 8th school level or an age of 14 years; however, exceptions can be made in individual cases.

In addition, we also conduct trainings for multipliers, for example university students, (prospective) teachers and social workers. This enables a sustainable fight against homo-, bi- and transphobic prejudices, attitudes and prevents discrimination.

Where does the unit take place?

Our speakers are happy to visit your school or institution directly. A subsequent visit of the young people in our association premises (youth center or café) can contribute to a deepening of the content. In principle, it should be ensured that the premises are suitable for conducting workshops that are as interactive as possible; larger rooms with movable furniture, for example, to form a circle of chairs, are good.

How long does the visit last?

To ensure that no topic is neglected and that we can answer all of the participants' questions, we offer sessions of at least 90 minutes. In general, the following applies: The more time we have, the deeper we can go into the topic with the participants and work on it.

How does the workshop work?

In general, we are open to your wishes and suggestions. If the topic has already been covered, we can build on existing knowledge; however, this is not mandatory.

Our procedure is based on the following sequence:

  1. Warm-up phase: Getting to know each other, introduction to the topic by means of a game.
  2. Main method: Different methods and games, adapted to the age and background of the participants, introduce the topic and stimulate discussion. The aim is to clarify terms, reconsider categories and prejudices, and provide an open framework for discussion.
  3. Question and answer session: At the end, participants can ask questions anonymously or openly (to the speakers).
  4. Conclusion & feedback: How did the students like it? What offers and opportunities are there, for example, at diversity München?

Of course, the content will be tailored to the needs and level of knowledge of the participants. We are also open to special requests and suggestions.

In our experience, it contributes to the success of the workshop if the relevant supervisor (teacher, pedagogue, etc.) is not present during the workshop. We only conduct our discussion and question rounds without supervisors in order to facilitate an open discussion atmosphere.

Who are our speakers?

To be able to work with the peer-to-peer concept are our speakers exclusively queer youths and young adults, who, in addition to school, training, studies or work, conduct workshops/trainings and supervise information booths on a voluntary basis. In doing so, they regularly further their education both pedagogically and in terms of content.

All speakers undergo a training phase and must provide proof of pedagogical competence and a police clearance certificate. They also have the opportunity to complete training as youth leaders (JuLeiCa) in order to acquire valuable pedagogical skills. Our instructors are always supervised by trained social pedagogues.

How is the visit of diversity@school planned?

You can contact us via mail using our contact form or call us at the following number: 089 55266986. You can find more information here.

Since we receive a lot of inquiries, we would ask you to contact us at least two months before the planned date.

Does the visit have to take place as part of the “LesBiSchwules Leben” learning package?

Especially at schools it is often recommended to work with the LesBiSchwules Leben learning package of the Pedagogical Institute of the City of Munich. Our visit is part of the learning package and can be prepared and followed up with the learning package.

However, we can also visit your institution independently of using the learning package. We would be happy to work with you to find alternatives to prepare the target group for our visit/workshop or to follow it up. Just get in touch with us.

Are there any costs for a visit?

No. Our visit is completely free of charge for you. However, as a purely voluntary project and self-supporting association, we are always happy to receive donations. If you have the opportunity to organise our workshop as part of the LesBiSchwules Leben learning package, we can receive an expense allowance from the Pedagogical Institute.

You will receive more information about this when planning the visit; just ask us directly about it.